
KH3 - the war chapter 8

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text


Sora sighed and looked up at the castle.  It was floating, as most evil castles do.  Below it was a gigantic gorge full of lava.  The sky was black, and the wind wiped through the grassy field where they stood.  

“You know,” Riku said studying the gaping chasm, “for all the security systems as far as evil castles go… this seems to be the proffered method.”   

“I would have to agree with you.” Sora said studying the floating castle.  “I’ve seen a few to many in my time.  How did we get into the llast one?”

“Magic” Riku said surging.  

“Ya, magic tends to be the downfall of most of these security systems.  If only it didn’t tend to jump up at the strangest times.” Sora said.  He then  sat down heavily on the ground.  

“Well we appear to be fresh out of magic.  So now what.” Riku sighed again.

Suddenly the air around them seemed to tare apart. Behind them, a black vortex appeared, and out stepped a knight.  

Sora quickly summoned his keyblade, and stood ready to fight.  

“Wait!” the knight said holding up a hand.  Then it reached up and took of its helmet.  

“AXEL!?!” Sora said shocked.  “b-b-but.. but…”

“But you thought I was dead.” Axel said with a smile.  “Close.  Really close, but not quite.  Anyway, you’re here for Kairi rite?”

Sora face hardened. “Where is she!” he yelled.  

“I'm here to help.”  Axel said.  “Fallow me.” And with that he turned and walked into the vortex.  Sora stared dumbfounded, then he squared his shoulders and faced the vortex.  


Kairi and Namine had found a door.  In there prison, they had found the other side.  On the far wall was a door that reached the hundreds of yards to the ceiling.  It looked like a drawbridge when it was raised.  All around its side’s light glowed through the cracks.  In the center of it was a huge keyhole.  

Namine looked at it and blinked.  “What could it be?  It cant be the… can it?” she asked.

“I don’t know.  It looks like it, but that just doesn’t seem rite…” Kairi trailed off as she stared at it.  Then, she blinked again, and stepped forward towards the door.  Her hand outstretched towards the wood.  

Namine held the torch a little higher, and looked around the room.  Shadows danced all around them as though heartless where watching them, but she paid no attention to them.  

Kairi stepped closer and closer to the glowing door.  Until she stopped rite before it.  Her hand outstretched inches from the door.  Then, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and touched it.   

The room shook violently up and down.   Namine and Kairi where both thrown to the ground as several pillars crashed around them.  The torch went skidding away across the floor.  The vibrating carried on as things crashed around them.  

“NAMINE! LOOK OUT!!!”  Kairi yelled as huge stalactites rained from the ceiling.  

Namine looked up and rolled to the side just in time as a 20 foot long stalactite crashed into the ground next to her.  Chips of rock flew in all directions cutting her face and arms.  The stalactite embedded itself in the ground and remained standing, half of its length now jammed into the ground.  Namine through her back against the side of the giant rock as more stalactites rained down around her.  She watched in horror as 20 to 30 foot chunks of rock embedded them selves in the solid stone floor.  

Kairi pressed herself against the door and watched the ceiling for anything heading towards Namine.  Suddenly Kairi saw one falling rite towards her.  Acting fact, she jumped to the side as one of the stalactites crashed next to her.  Then she rolled to the left as another just missed her.  Doing the Same as Namine, she pushed her back up to one of the fallen ones and hid there.  She couldn’t see up because of the cone shape of the stone, but she knew that a stalactite would not fall in the same place twice.  She hid under the rock as one more stalactite crashed down directly in front of her. The chips of shattered rock left cuts and bruises all over her face and body.  They would have blinded her if she hadn’t shielded her eyes with her arm.  

Slowly the shaking subsided.  Kairi looked around franticly for Namine.  She didn’t see her anywhere, because the ground was now riddled with 20 foot high stalactites embedded in the ground every 5 feet.  

She waited a minute incase anymore decided to fall before she called out.  “Namine!?! Are you ok???”

There was a groaning sound, then “mom?”  Namine sounded scared and week  Kairi got to her feet and rubbed the blood out of her eyes.  She ran through the dark maze of stone in the direction Namine’s voice had come from.  She turned another corner and there was Namine, her leg crushed under one of the stones.  


“So your telling me there going to do what!?!” Sora hissed.  

Axel flinched and mimed with his hands to quiet down and he looked back and forth franticly.  They where in a winding staircase descending into the depths of the castle.  They had not run into anyone yet, but it was bound to happen sooner or later.  When Axel was sure no one had heard, he relaxed.  “They are planning a ritual.” He whispered.  “They are going to try and extract Namine’s heart.  Her heart is one of the most pure any world has ever seen.  What they are going to do is fuse it with a heart of pure darkness.  I don’t know what will happen, but it can’t be good if they are trying to do it.”

“Who are they?” Riku whispered from behind Sora.  

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” an all to familiar voice said.  Axel spun around and there at the bottom of the stairs stood Maleficent.    

“You…” Axel hissed.    

“You know I have been suspecting you for quite some time.  Things have been going missing, you disappearing at odd times.”  She began climbing the stairs towards them.  Axel began backing back up the stairs but Sora wouldn’t let him pass.  

“I’ve concurred my way across half the galaxy, and I'm not going to be prevented from saving my wife and daughter by someone like you!”  Sora summoned his keyblade, and gripping it tightly he channeled all his passion and anger into it.  There was a flash of light, and when it cleared Sora was holding a giant sword of light. He launched himself at Maleficent.  Lifting the keyblade above his head, slicing clean through the stone blocks in the ceiling, he brought the keyblade crashing down against Maleficent. There was a flash as Sora and the witch vanished into the chamber below.  

The castle began trembling.  The stones Sora had cut through must have been key parts in the castles structure.  “Come on,” Riku yelled running down the stairs.   Axel and Riku both dove down the stares as the ceiling collapsed behind them.  

Jumping to his feet, Riku searched around the chamber for Sora.  The chamber was circular.  At the opposite end was a large black door.  Across the room Sora was locked in battle with Maleficent.  Sore’s sword looked like it was made entirely out of light.  It was 15 feet long, and looked a lot like Cloud’s sword.  But maleficent had a keyblade also. It was shaped like a staff, but at the end hung a bright green gem.  The keyblade its self looked just like maleficent old staff, but now she used it as a sword.  Sora was pushing against maleficent, but her powers where to strong.  Slowly Sora was being pushed back.  

“NO!” Riku yelled.  He ran to help Sora, pulling out his own keyblade.  But just as he reached him, there was a loud explosion and something hit him in the back sending him sprawling.  Looking up, he saw 2 knights.  They had obviously just broken through the ceiling because there was now a gaping hole in it. One of them stood facing Riku about to attack, wile the other had Axel pined against the far wall.  

Riku got to his feat and looked around.  This was bad.  Very bad.  But Riku knew what he had to do.  Griping his keyblade he charged the back of Maleficent.  He lifted his keyblade to slice across her back, but in a flash there was another keyblade blocking his.  He looked up in shock.  The knight that had hit him had just moved across the whole cavern in a second.  

Riku stared dumbfounded.  The knight looked back, then with its free hand, it backhanded Riku across the face.  Riku staggered back, then steadying himself.  He wiped a trickle of blood from his lip, then grit his teeth and charged the knight.  


Axel was pinned against the wall by another knight.  He knew who it was, and he knew that he was in trouble.  

“So you thought you could double cross us again did you?” the knight hissed through its helmet as it pressing its arm across Axels throat.   Axel’s feet left the ground as the knight pressed him harder against the wall.   

“I was never on your side to begin with!” Axel choked.  Then with a grunt, he kicked the knight square in the chest sending him reeling.  

Axel dropped to the ground gasping and coughing.  Then, he took a shuddering, wheezing breath, and got back to his feat.  Thrusting out both his hands Axel summoned his weapons.  2 staff like keyblades just like the one he gave Sora years ago.  He held them at the ready, then in a wheezing voice Axel said “well if we are going to fight then I'm going to have to win.” then spinning his keyblades rapidly he jammed the ends into the ground.  Fire erupted around the border of the room.  All along the walls, and in front of the blocked staircase.  

“WHAT THE HELL!” the knight yelled.  

“Fire is my element.” Axel said with a cough, pulling the keyblades out of the ground. “It gives me a little advantage.” Then holding the keyblades at the ready again, he charged the knight.  


Riku slammed into the knight with his shoulder throwing it off balance.  But as it fell it cracked Riku on the head with the handle of its keyblade.  He staggered back, the whole room spinning.  

The knight took this opportunity to get back to its feet and slash at Riku’s chest.  Riku blocked as best he could but he was so dizzy that the blow sent him to the ground.  He lay there for a moment as the knight stood above him. It raised its keyblade over its head ready to stab him.  Riku quickly shook himself and rolled to the side.  The knight’s keyblade stabbed the ground where Riku’s heart had just been.  

Acting fast Riku sliced the back of the knight’s leg right above the heel.  The knight convulsed, then fell backwards.  Riku staggered to his feet and the room stopped spinning.  He shook himself again, and turned to face the knight.  

The knight was standing back up.  Riku had cut the tendon on its ankle, so now it stood with a limp.  “You bastard.”  The knight hissed.  It had a hollow voice, as though there was nothing inside the armor.  

Riku smiled.  Then he leveled his keyblade and ran at the knight.  It swung at Riku but he dodged and ran behind the knight.  It tried to turn to face him, but it was to slow.   Riku cut the tendon on the other leg.  The knight spasmed, and fell again.  This time it could not get up.  Without the tendons in its ankles it could not stand.  The knight flailed around screaming in pain.  Then it rolled over trying to push its self up.  Riku quickly stepped on its back pushing it back down.  Then he placed the point of his keyblade at the base of the back of the knight’s neck.  He took a deep breath, and jammed the keyblade into the knight’s neck.  The knight gave a final spasm, and went still.  


Sora was fighting maleficent will all his strength, but that wasn’t enough.  Somehow she was faster, and stronger than him.  His keyblade, which was the size as Clouds buster sword, seemed to be made out of pure light, but it weighed almost nothing to him.  

Maleficent stabbed at Sora’s heart, but he blocked it, and brought the keyblade sliding down hers towards her hands.  She spun away and attacked from the side.  Sora blocked again and was pushed back.  Slowly maleficent was pushing him back towards the burning walls.  Sora blocked again and again, but no matter what he did, he could not attack.  Maleficent was too strong.  What had changed?  He had beaten her before and he was a kid back then.  Now he was a grown adult, and he couldn’t kill her.  

Maleficent stabbed at him again, and he blocked again, but this time, he took a chance and as he pushed her keyblade out of the way, he slammed his shoulder into her pushing her back.  

She staggered backwards, then there as a sound like bones being crushed.  Her eyes grew wide.  From the middle of her stomach something resembling a black wing protruded.  Blood dripped from the end of it.  Behind her stood Riku.  He had stabbed maleficent through the back.

There where many cracking sounds as Maleficent turned her head all the way around to stare at Riku.   “You!” she hissed.  Her eyes glowed bright green.  She closed her hands around the front of the keyblade protruding from her stomach, and with a twist, and a squelching sound, ripped the keyblade all the way through her stomach.  Then she threw it across the room where it stuck in the floor.  Then, stretching out her arms, green fire erupted around her.  Riku jumped out of the way as the fire rose where he had just been standing.  

The fire seemed to envelop her and then began to grow.  

The knight Axel was fighting stopped and looked back at the green fire.  Axel took the opportunity to try and stab the knight.  But with out even turning its head, it backhanded Axel, sending him smashing into the wall.  Then the knight turned and with 2 steps, jumped through the hole in the ceiling.  

The flames swirling around maleficent grew.  She began to scream as black wings unfurled from the fire, but the figure kept growing.  

“It’s the DRAGON!” Sora yelled.  Riku searched franticly and spotted his keyblade across the room.  He ran to retrieve it.  Just as he reached out his hand to grab it, something that looked like a tree trunk hit him in the chest sending him flying all the way across the room.  

The dragon was complete.  Maleficent had turned into the black dragon. It filled the chamber from floor to ceiling, and filled it half way across also.   The wings could not extend fully in the room.  The tail, which had just hit Riku, wiped around in an arch.  

Axel walked up next to Sora open-mouthed staring at the dragon.   “Shit” Axel said.  

“Yep.  Shit” was all Sora could say.  

The dragon roared then blew fire at them.  Axel dove out of the way, but Sora blocked the fire with his sword.  Then, as soon as the fire stopped, he charged the dragon.  Jumped onto its front leg he began hoping up the spikes on its leg.  The dragon searched around for him, but seemed to be unable to find him.  

Sora took one last jump, and then brought the sword over his head and jammed it into the dragon’s knee.  There was a tremendous roar from the dragon as Sora ran down the length of the leg tearing the flesh all the way down to the foot where he ripped out the sword.  Black blood poured down the leg, and covered the sword.  

“SORA LOOK OUT!” Riku yelled.  Sora spun around just in time to block the pointed barb of the tail jamming into his chest.  Even though he blocked the point, the force of the hit knocked him off the dragon’s leg.  Sora hit the ground and rolled to his feat.  He went to wipe the blood off the sword, but as he touched it, the blood seemed to leap up and wrapped around his hand.  The skin the blood touched began to burn as though it was covered in acid.  Sora screamed and dropped the sword.  He ripped off his shirt and vigorously wiped off his hand.   No sooner had he dropped the shirt, than it disintegrated.  Sora’s hand was now bright red, but it worked fine.  

Sora glared at the dragon.  Grabbing his sword, he charged it again.  Just as he got close, the dragon lashed out with its bad leg trying to grab him, but Sora blocked it.  still trying, the dragon flexed its claws trying to get at him.  It pressed against him pinning him in place. He couldn’t move or he would be crushed.  

“HANG ON SORA!” Axel yelled.  Sora looked up in time to see Axel running up to help him.  Just as he got close the dragon reached out with its good arm, and grabbed Axel.   It pulled him off his feat, then slammed him into the ground.  Then it picked him up again and wiped him at the wall.  There was a sickening crunch as Axel hit the wall and slid down it.  

“NOOO!” Sora yelled.  Turning around fiercely towards the dragon, he twisted the sword so the blade was pressing into the dragon’s hand.   Then he pressed down hard, slicing clean through the dragon’s hand.  The dragon roared with pain.   Sora jumped up on the now split hand and climbed the leg.  Specks of blood hit his chest and face and began burning his skin but he paid no attention.  As soon as he reached the shoulder he jammed the sword into the dragon again.  There was another hideous roar as the dragon began convulsing.  

“LOOK OUT!” Riku yelled.   The tail was heading towards Sora again.  He tried pulling the sword free, but it was stuck in the dragons shoulder.  He braced for the impact, but Riku threw himself over one of the dragon’s spikes and sliced the end off the tail.  The dragon’s body heaved up and down with pain.  Blood shot out of the end of the tail and covered Riku’s chest and left arm.  He began screaming as the blood burned into his skin with horrible hissing sounds.  

Sora yelled with anger as he wrenched the sword out of the dragons shoulder and began running up the neck.  About half way up he jammed the sword in as far as he could and began running back towards the back, ripping the dragon’s throat open as he ran.   The dragon gave a gurgling sound as Sora tore through the muscles in the neck.   With out them, the head crashed to the ground, unable to hold its own wait.  Sora turned, and ripped the sword out of the dragon again.  Swinging it around to throw off the blood, he ran back up the neck.  Sliding to a halt rite on top of the dragon’s head, he raised the sword high, and brought it down, slicing into the dragons head, burying its self up to the hilt.  The dragon shook again one last time, and then went still.  

The room went silent except for the sound of Riku’s skin burning and him screaming.  Suddenly the dragon’s eyes glowed white, and all of its skin seemed to vanish in an explosion of dust.  Sora fell from the head, which was now just a skull.  Riku stopped screaming.  The blood had disappeared from his body.  He now lay in the center of the now empty ribcage panting.  

Sora got to his feat and looked around.  “AXEL!” he yelled running over to him.  He quickly turned him over to look at his face.  Half his armor had fallen off, and he was bleeding badly.  But he put an arm against Sora, and got to his feat.  

“I'm fine,” Axel said weakly.  “We need to rescue Kairi and Namine.  They will definitely be looking for them now.”  He began coughing heavily.  He fell to his hands and knees, and vomited blood.  Sora reached to help him, but Axel hit his hand away.  He wiped his mouth and stood up again.  He staggered for a second, then steadied himself. “You stay here,” Axel wheezed.  “I will go get them.  Hang on.”  

With that Axel thrust his hand forward and a black vortex appeared in front of him.  He staggered forward, and stepped through.  

Getting to his feet, Sora ran over to Riku who was still lying in the center of the dragon’s ribcage.  Sora reached him and went to help him up, but Riku make a hissing sound as Sora touched him.  Pulling back Sora noticed the dark red burn covering his left arm and chest.  Almost all of his skin was gone from the area.  The blood had burnt off his shirt wherever it had touched him.  

“Oh my god, Riku.” Sora began to say.  

“Its ok,” Riku hissed.  “I’ll live.” He said as he sat up.  He didn’t move his left arm, but he still got to his feet.  His left arm hung limply at his side.  

“Are you sure I cant do anything?” Sora asked pitifully.  

“I should ask you the same question.” Riku said with a grin.  Sora looked down at himself.  His chest was covered with little burn spots where drops of blood had landed.  The spots had burned deep. There was also a mark across his back that he hadn’t even known about.  

Sora sighed.  “Like you said.  Il live” Sora said with a laugh.  Suddenly there was a cracking sound from over head.  Then a huge bolder came crashing down.  

”The ceilings collapsing” Riku said.  He searched around franticly.  “There!” he said pointing at the hole in the ceiling.  “Come on!” he grabbed Sora’s arm, and pulled him towards the opening.   The ceiling began to cave in faster as they ran.  


Kairi ran forward and threw herself at Namine’s side.  “OH NAMINE! I'M SORR-“ she cut off as she realized that Namine’s leg wasn’t crushed, but was jammed in a 5 inch crack running up the side of the rock.  Namine looked up and smiled weekly.    

“I got lucky.” She laughed feebly.  

Kairi sighed heavily.  “At least your ok.”  A tear mixed with the blood running down her face.  “Hang on, this is going to hurt.”  

Namine nodded and bit her lip.  Kairi grabbed her leg and pulled.  Namine’s squeaked with pane as her leg came out.  Her shoe was still stuck in the rock.  Kairi looked at the leg closely in the faint light.  She felt all the bones in her leg and foot.  

“Well… one of your toes is broken, but nothing serious.  Its not bad.” She said looking at her foot some more.  “Your shoe probably saved your foot.  Can you –” but she was cut off as another sound shook the cavern.  

It was like 2 giant slabs of stone where sliding against each other, and crushing everything in there way.  The ground began shaking again as the sound got louder.  It was deafening, but the light was getting brighter and brighter.  They couldn’t see the door anymore because of all the rocks, but what they could see when they looked strait up was almost blinding.

The shaking stopped but the sound continued.  “Is it the door!?!” Namine cried jumping to her feet and wincing as she put pressure on her injured foot that now didn’t have a shoe.  

“Get your shoe!” Kairi shouted standing in front of Namine.  She looked back up the path she had come down and could see something bright twisting its way towards them.  

Namine shot her hand inside the crack, and wrenched out her shoe.  She put it on quickly wincing as it pushed against her toe.  She started to stand, but kairi pushed her back down.  

“Stay down!!!” she yelled over the noise.  She stood guard in front of her, as the light winding its way through the stoned got closer.

Casting around desperately, she spotted a 2-foot ling sliver of rock that ended at a sharp point.  She grabbed it and stood in front of Namine again ready to fight to the death protecting her.  

The bobbing light seemed to stop as though it noticed them, then shot strait at Kairi.  It hit her in the chest, and she was pulled up into the air.  Namine screamed as Kairi was lifted in the air, her hair fanned out around her head.  What remained of her cloths wiped around as though caught in a strong wind?  Her whole body glowed bright white.  The stone sliver she held glowed white, then began to change shape.  Suddenly the light vanished and Kairi fell to the ground.  Namine cried out again as she ran to Kairi.  “Please don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead.” Namine cried as she reached Kairi and quickly turned her over.  Kairi stared back at her wide-eyed.  Namine sighed heavily as she wiped tears from her eyes. Kairi seemed to notice something and held up her rite hand.  In it was an all white keyblade.  From the end of its key chain hung an 8-pointed star.

Namine looked at it closely.  Kairi studied it also.  “It the pendant of light.”  Kairi said.  

Suddenly the cavern started shaking again.  The noise grew louder, and seemed to shake their very bones.  Then a roar as though from some gigantic beast echoed through the cavern again.   Kairi quickly staggered to her feet.  She grabbed Namine’s hand and pulled her up also.  “Something’s coming!” she yelled.  “That door was the door to heart of the world!  Now we need to get out of here before what ever made that sound catches us!”  She turned to run, but stopped short as a dark vortex appeared in the stone passage in front of her. Out of it stepped Axel. Half his armor missing, and he was bleeding profusely.  

“Come on!” he panted.  “They’ve found us out.  We have to go!”  He squinted from the radiant light now filling the chamber.  

He turned to go through the vortex again, then stopped as several rocks fell out of the opening.  “Oh shit!” Axel said.   He quickly thrust out his hand to the rite and another vortex opened.  “Come on!” he yelled as he limped through this new portal.

Namine and Kairi didn’t hesitate. They both ran through the vortex after Axel.

They staggered into a room in the castle.  It was small, but relatively undisturbed.  As Kairi stepped out of the vortex, it closed behind her.  

“Ok, the room that Sora and Riku where in just” Kairi cut Axel off with a sharp gasp.

“Sora’s here!?!” she stammered.  

“Yes, now listen.  The room that they where in just collapsed.” Kairi gasped again.  Axel sighed.  “But I'm willing to bet they are ok.  All we need to do is-“ there was an audible thump, and Axel stopped talking.  He stood there for a moment, then a trickle of blood ran from the corner of his mouth.   His eyes glazed over, and he fell forward with a crash.  Sticking out of his back, rite where his heart was was a dagger.  

Kairi screamed and fell to her knees trying to help him.  But Namine’s scream made her look up again.  There, holding Namine by the head was a knight.  Kairi wasted no time. She clenched the keyblade and swung it at the knight.  But the knight stepped out of the way, and with a powerful swing punched Kairi in the chest.  There was a thump, and Kairi fell limp to the ground.  Namine screamed again.

“Shut up!” the knight yelled in her face.  He then turned and marched out of the room.  

Sora and Riku lay panting on the floor above.  The ceiling had collapsed completely, but because they where positioned beneath the hole, the boulders missed them.  They had just finished climbing up the hole, and where now exhausted.

Sora sat up with a start.  He turned his head listening closely for something.  Then as though he heard the sound, he jumped to his feet.  “Riku! Come on!” he said quickly.  

“What is it?”  Riku asked.  

“I hear her!  I hear Namine! COME ON!”

Riku got to his feet as fast as his arm would allow.  “Lets go.” He said.  

Sora nodded and took off out of the room.  He stopped in a hallway, then turned left.  He ran down the corridor looking left and rite through open doors.  In one of the last doors, he skidded to a stop and turned around again.  He ran back to the door he had just passed, and there on the floor was Kairi.  

“NO!” Sora cried throwing himself next to her.  He picked her up in his arms and pressed her to his chest.  “NO! NO! NO!” he said rocking back and forth. Tears ran down his face as he held her.  

“Sora?” Kairi said weekly.  Sora stopped pressing her to his chest and looked into her face.  She opened her eyes and squinted at him.  “Sora…. Is that you?”  Sora choked as tears started flowing again.  

“Yes” he managed to croak.  

Kairi’s eyes opened wide and she threw her arms around him.  She buried her face in his bare shoulder and began crying as well.  

Riku had come in just after Sora, and he had been studying Axel.  He was now sure, Axel was dead.  He then pulled out the dagger.  It was 8 inches long.  Sighing heavily, he rolled Axel over, and closed his now sightless eyes.  

Sora pulled Kairi back, and looked into her eyes.  He studied her for a long minute, then kissed her deeply.  She melted into his arms as he did.  Then her eyes shot open.   She pulled away from Sora and looked around.   “NAMINE!” she yelled. “They took her!  Just now!  We’ve got to save her!”

Sora’s eyes opened wide.  “NO!  They’re going to steal her heart!”

Kairi gasped.  “We have to save her now!”

To be continued?
Maybe not.  I think I will leave it there. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Man, It would suck if I stopped right there before taking that break.
well its finaly taken a year to get back to working on this story. school is a bitch, what can i tell u?
hope u enjoy. i enjoyed writing it. i think it kicks so much ass.

chapter 7 [link]

chapter 9 [link]
© 2006 - 2024 beefgir
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sweetiepie123's avatar
luv the story but hate soraXkairi you can tell i luv soraXnamine^^